How to Clean Your Ears Properly and Why it Matters

Whether it’s a feeling of stuffiness or a decrease in your ability to hear clearly, a clogged sensation in the ears can be disturbing and even downright scary. Not only does it play a pivotal role in our interaction with the world around us, but our hearing health is a mirror reflecting our overall well-being.

Feeling Clogged: The Possible Culprits

One moment you’re okay, and the next, you’ve got this annoying sensation of fullness in your ears. What gives? There could be several reasons why your ears might feel clogged.

Earwax Build-up: Our ears are like a mini-production factory of earwax, which is normal and actually serves a purpose – it protects the ears from dirt and bacteria. However, too much accumulation can block the ear canal, creating a clogged feeling.

Infections or Allergies: Ah, the seasonal allergies that make us all miserable! They can cause swelling and fluid build-up in the Eustachian tubes – the passageways that link our middle ear to the back of the throat. This can make your ears feel full and your hearing muffled.

Sinus Issues: Your sinuses and ears are like old mates; when one is upset, the other can’t help but feel down. Sinus problems can lead to clogged ears and sometimes even hearing loss.

‘Hear’ at the Crossroads: Spotting Potential Hearing Loss

Most times, clogged ears are a type of conductive hearing loss. It’s a bit of a temporary bother. With the right treatment or a minor procedure, you’re back in the game, hearing as good as new!

But then there’s sensorineural hearing loss, and that’s a whole other kettle of fish. This one’s the result of damage to the inner ear or, even trickier, the auditory nerve itself. That could be from loud noises, ageing, certain illnesses or even certain medications. It’s a bit like a damaged speaker wire, if you will. No matter how loudly you turn up the volume, the sound isn’t coming through clearly.

Now, why is sensorineural hearing loss more of a worry? Well, once those delicate bits of your inner ear or the auditory nerve are damaged, there’s often no going back. It’s generally permanent. 

You might find that you’re often asking people to repeat themselves or that you’re turning the TV volume way up (much to the annoyance of others in the room). You may struggle to follow conversations in noisy environments or find high-pitched sounds like the doorbell or alarm clock more challenging. These could all be red flags hinting at a potential hearing loss.

That’s why it’s so important to get professional help if you think you’re facing this sort of trouble.

Sounding Out Solutions with Our Hearing Professionals

At our hearing practice, our team of hearing professionals is on a mission to make sure you take advantage of life’s beautiful sounds. We’re here to guide you every step of the way, from initial consultations to follow-ups and everything in between.

One solution we highly recommend for treating hearing loss is hearing aids. These little devices can be a game-changer, helping you hear better by amplifying sounds. With today’s technology, hearing aids are more discreet, comfortable, and efficient. They can be tailored to your specific hearing needs and even synced with your smartphone for maximum convenience!

Keeping Your Ears Happy and Healthy

Remember, maintaining ear hygiene and taking care of allergies can help prevent clogged ears. But if you’re noticing persistent issues with your hearing, it’s essential to get it checked by an audiologist. You don’t have to endure the frustration of clogged ears or hearing loss. We’re here to help you navigate these challenges and ensure your hearing health is on point.

Let’s embark on a Journey to Better Hearing Together!

So, are you ready to take control of your hearing health? Why wait any longer? If you’re tired of constantly asking, “Why do my ears feel clogged?” It’s time for a change.

Book a home visit hearing test and get a comprehensive hearing assessment and, if necessary, guidance on your journey with hearing aids.